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Minimalist Utilities


Minimalist intentionally ships with a small set of utility classes but these may grow over time. This will never be a comprehensive utility library but rather a small set of classes that are commonly used in web projects.

Minimalist also ships with a reset stylesheet. Instead of including the source here, please refer to the most up to date source in the Minimalist GitHub repository

Form field group

CSS class to group form fields with consistent spacing.

.form-field {
display: grid;
gap: var(--minimalist-form-field-gap, var(--size-12));
margin-block-end: var(

Remove borders

CSS class to remove borders from an element. By default Minimalist does not remove the border from the fieldset element as it can be a useful visual indicator for grouping form elements. This is an example use case where the no-border class can be helpful.

.no-border {
border: 0;

Reset lists

CSS class to reset the default list styling.

  • Removes bullet points or numbers from list items.
  • Eliminates default margin and padding.
.reset-list {
list-style-type: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;

Readable line length

A simple utility for setting a max width on an element that constrains its width to what is commonly known to be a readable line length for prose.

.readable-line-length {
max-width: 40rem;
max-width: 85ch;

Visually hidden

A utility class to visually hide an element while keeping it accessible to screen readers.

/* */
.visually-hidden:not(:focus, :active) {
block-size: 1px;
clip-path: inset(50%);
inline-size: 1px;
overflow: hidden;
position: absolute;
white-space: nowrap;