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Minimalist Typography Styles


This file provides foundational typography styles, including font families, sizes, and line heights for headings, text, and other elements.

General Elements


  • Description: Sets a base font family, and line height for headings.
  • Styles:
    • Other than assigning sizes to individual heading elements, the following classes are also provided:
      • .heading-display - Primarily used for large display or hero like text.
      • .heading-xxl which matches the default size of the h1 element.
      • .heading-xl which matches the default size of the h2 element.
      • .heading-large which matches the default size of the h3 element.
      • .heading-medium which matches the default size of the h4 element.
      • .heading-small-medium which matches the default size of the h5 element.
      • h6 heading element uses the default base font size of 1rem.

Text Classes and Body

  • Description: Sets a base font family, and line height for prose like content.
  • Styles:
    • The following classes are available (please see the table below for details):
      • .text-medium
      • .text-small-medium
      • .text-small
      • .text-tiny - Mostly useful for footnotes and small print.
      • Text on the body element is set to 100% to respect the base font size set by the user. By default this will be 16px.

Inline Code

  • Description: Sets a base font family, and line height for inline code and code blocks.
  • Use Case: Clearly distinguish the appearance of code snippets from other text content.

CSS Custom Properties and Defaults

On larger viewports the typography follows a perfect-fourth scale with a base font size of 1rem (16px). On smaller viewports the typography follows a minor-third scale with a base font size of 1rem (16px). Both uses a perfect-fourth scale for sizes smaller than 1rem.

The default font-families uses the user’s system font stack as the base font family.


iowan old style, apple garamond, baskerville, times new roman, droid serif, times, source serif pro, serif,apple color emoji, segoe ui emoji, segoe ui symbol

To override the default font-family for headings, you can set the --minimalist-typography-heading-family custom property to your preference.


-apple-system, blinkmacsystemfont, avenir next, avenir, segoe ui, helvetica neue, helvetica, cantarell, ubuntu, roboto, noto, arial, sans-serif

To override the default font-family for body text, you can set the --minimalist-typography-body-family custom property to your preference.


menlo, consolas, monaco, liberation mono, lucida console, monospace

To override the default font-family for code snippets, you can set the --minimalist-typography-code-family custom property to your preference.

Default font sizes

As mentioned earlier, the typography follows a perfect-fourth scale on larger viewports and a minor-third scale on smaller viewports. The following table lists the default font sizes for each scale. However, there is no need to override the individual properties if the default is not quite what you need.

To ease this, Minimalist exposes two custom properties:


By default these are set to a ratio of 1.25 and 1.33 respectively. To adjust these, simply set the custom properties to your desired ratio. For example, to have the same scale on both large and small viewports, you can set both custom properties to 1.25. Once you have changed either of these custom properties, the typography will automatically adjust to the new scale.

If you are unsure about typographic scales, I can highly recommend the incredible TypeScale tool by Jeremy Church. It is available at

Custom PropertyLandscape Mobile+Mobile

Configurable line heights

The following custom properties are available to adjust the line height for prose, headings, code, and interactive elements. The interactive custom property is only used in the CSS reset to reduce the line height for buttons, input elements, and labels. With that said, you can chose to override this one as well if needed.

Custom PropertyDefault

Usage Examples


<h1>Main Heading</h1>
<h3>Section Title</h3>

Text Classes

<p class="text-medium">This is medium-sized text.</p>
<p class="text-small">This is small text.</p>
<p class="tiny-small">This is tiny text.</p>

Inline Code

<p>Use the <code>ls</code> command to list directory contents.</p>